Welcome to our WWU Family!

澳门真人官网赌场紧密结合的校园是精心设计的,这样你的学生就可以与同龄人建立终身的友谊, and most importantly with Jesus Christ. 教师, WWU的工作人员和管理人员致力于实现每个学生的这一使命, and we’re thankful for your partnership along the way.

Parent and Family Guide

本指南旨在提供信息,帮助您了解情况,并允许您在整个学习过程中继续指导您的学生. We have included important dates, 电话号码, and information about the transition to college, specifically for this academic year. Download the Parent and Family Guide PDF.

问题? 请!
克劳迪娅Santellano, 校友 and Parent Relations Director
克劳迪亚.santellano@wallawalla.Edu | (509) 527-2644



事件 & 校历

Send your student a gift

Parent Connection e-newsletter, sent by email in November, December, February, and May. Check your email address on file or update at jljclean.com/update.

毕业 information


父母对大学经历的参与可以增加动机和提高成绩, 但是,在参与和干预之间的适当平衡对于学生日益增长的独立性和自我责任感至关重要. 通过表达爱和特殊兴趣与你的大学生保持联系,可以创造一种有益的父母参与水平.  

家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)不允许澳门真人官网赌场向家长发布学生信息或学术信息, even if they are paying the bill, unless the student gives explicit permission. If they choose to do so, 学生可以将家长登录信息提供给他们的WWU帐户(myWWU),以便访问各种类型的信息. 

Statements are generated by the tenth of each month. 学生 are usually mailed one copy, 或者他们可以随时从他们的WWU账户(myWWU)访问他们的财务信息。. Using myWWU, students can also authorize other people (e.g., parents or sponsor) to receive a statement by mail. 

学生 can drop courses for a number of weeks into a term, 但是有重要的最后期限和经济后果要记住. Before dropping a course, 学生需要拜访课程指导老师和学术顾问. 退课会影响学生的经济援助资格和奖学金, regardless of their GPA. 

In order to succeed academically, students must complete all course requirements, 通常包括期末考试周的考试吗. On the rare occasion that early departure is necessary, 学生可以通过教务副校长办公室申请提前考试. 如果申请被批准,每次提前考试需要支付100美元的费用. 

There are many resources available to your student. 其中包括通过澳门真人官网赌场的新生成功计划为所有新生提供指导, free tutoring at the Teaching Learning Center, 学术深思熟虑, 咨询服务, 职业咨询, health and wellness services, and disability support services. 课程讲师通常也会为学生提供个人帮助. 

沃拉沃拉沃拉大学的家庭每周在社区聚会敬拜, 学术反思, and celebration of the values of the university. 所有修六学分或以上的本科生每学期必须参加最少数量的社区会议. 已经获得学士学位的学生不需要出席, are enrolled for less than six credits, 都结婚了, have dependent children in their immediate care, or are at least 25 years of age. 

学生应该首先尝试与教师和/或系主任或学院院长谈论这个问题. If the issue remains unresolved, 学生可以联系学术管理助理副校长((509)527-2395)寻求帮助. 

当学生的累积GPA低于2分时,就会出现这种状态和特殊监控.0 or their term GPA is below 2.0 for two consecutive terms. 这些学生被限制在不超过13个学分,并被鼓励定期与他们的学术顾问会面. 如果在试用期内GPA没有得到充分提高, the student will be dismissed from WWU. 被开除的学生可以申请重新入学,出示准备成功的证据. 

住在宿舍的学生与校园的联系更紧密,学业成功的可能性也更大. 来自沃拉沃拉山谷以外的学生必须住在宿舍里,直到他们至少22岁, 结婚了, or have senior status (135 credits). 希望与直系亲属住在一起的任何年龄的学生都可以提交校外住房申请. 

支持WWU, support your student:

  1. 通过澳门真人官网赌场的家长关系办公室给你的学生送一份礼物或鼓励的便条. We'll package your gift and deliver it anywhere on campus. Surprise your student.
  2. 访问 your student during 家庭周末.
  3. Opportunities for student internships at your company? Want to volunteer to mentor a student? 让澳门真人官网赌场知道! Get in touch with our Student Development Center.
  4. 为一个活动或你的专业组织寻找一个演讲者? Consider our faculty experts!

10 Tips for 父母 of Successful 学生 

1. 保持联系.
You may be tempted to call often. Consider texting or sending an email to your student. When you visit, consult your student first. 

2. Give them their space. 
你的学生将会忙于他们的新角色,所以要保持快速轻松的谈话. Allow your student to set the pace.  

3. 辞去经理职务.
为你的学生做一个有用的顾问,鼓励他们寻找校园资源. 如果你的学生尝试自己处理情况是最好的.  

4. 接受你的学生. 

5. 给你的学生机会表达新的观点和意见. 

6. Keep a positive perspective. 
对财务状况、学业成绩和学生所做的选择要现实一些. Life may not always conform to the accustomed road map. Ask questions rather than jump to conclusions.

7. Talk to your student about overall wellness.
Encourage your student to get enough sleep, to eat healthful meals, to exercise and to spend quality time recharging.

8. Be knowledgeable about WWU.

9. Be a fabulous listener.
Listen, listen, listen. Your student is asking to be heard, not fixed.

10. 祷告并信靠神.
Let God be the “manager.” It will benefit you, the university, and your student.